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Help preserve 165 years of history by making a contribution today.
Remember Your Pet
Learn more about our Pet Memorial Garden by scheduling an appointment.

Upcoming Events

September 8, 2024 at 2PM Pet Blessing 
October 20 - November 1, 2024 Fall Clean Up
November 3, 2024 at 12PM Veterans Day Parade 
December 14, 2024 at 12PM Wreaths Across America 

A Message from our Board of Managers

November 30, 2023

Dear Supporter,

We hope this letter finds you in good health and good spirits. We are writing to express our heartfelt gratitude for your continuous support and generosity. Your commitment has been a driving force for recent, positive changes at Mount Olivet Cemetery, and we are excited to share them with you. 

First, we would like to welcome Travis Cook, our new Director of Operations. Mr. Cook has more than 20 years of management, sales, maintenance and repair experience. The Board of Managers believes he will be an excellent fit for this position, and Mr. Cook is looking forward to bringing his new ideas and unique experience to the cemetery. 

Second, with the addition of new management, we are revitalizing our events, fundraising and community programs. We will also be strengthening our volunteer program by engaging and supporting those who wish to be involved in the continued care and revitalization of the cemetery grounds. 

Finally, we are recommitting to the preservation of the cemetery by adopting the National Park Service’s Cemetery Preservation guidelines. While we have followed the advice of cemetery experts in the past, adherence to these guidelines will ensure the consistent care of this historic cemetery. 

Our new vision is for the cemetery to be a place of remembrance and honor, and also serve as a place for the community to enjoy, learn and gather. We will continue to be a supportive and welcoming place for individuals and families to come together for end-of-life decisions. As we reflect on the positive changes made possible by your generosity, we want you to know that you are an integral part of this journey. Your belief in our vision has become a beacon of hope, inspiring not only our team but also the community we serve.

In 2024, we will be celebrating Mount Olivet Cemetery’s 165th anniversary. The cemetery would not be a success without your continued kindness, generosity and dedication to its legacy. Your support empowers us to innovate and implement solutions that have lasting effects. Your dedication to our cause is a testament to the incredible difference that can be made when individuals like you come together for a common purpose. 

Please visit our new website, follow us on Facebook and join the Friends of Mount Olivet Cemetery Facebook group to be kept up to date with the cemetery’s latest news and events. Once again, thank you for your continued support and for making positive change a reality.

With Our Deepest Gratitude,
The Board of Managers
Mount Olivet Cemetery Association